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Soil Hydrating Surfactant

Application Rates

Apply 160 ml per 100 m2 every 30 days.  After an initial 160 ml application, drought conditions can be best managed by applying 80 ml per 100 m2 every 15 days.


For extreme drought conditions with high temperatures and/or increased soil water repellency, apply 255 ml per 100m2 every 30 days.

OARS HS, Soil Hydrating Surfactant, is a combination of the university researched, field proven, and patented organic acid redistribution system, OARS, and multi-branched hydrating chemistry.


OARS HS controls soil water repellency while providing uniform soil moisture and increased soil moisture retention.

For More Information Please Click Here

OARS - Organic Acid Redistribution System • Multi-branched hydrating soil surfactant.
Increases number of hydrating sites.
Increased length of activity in soil.
Money back guarantee.



Removes humic coatings from hydrophobic soil particles.

Controls water repellency.

Hydrates the soil to improve moisture retention.

Reduces drought stress.

Consistent performance between applications to maintain adequate moisture in hard to wet soils. 


OARS HS, Soil Hydrating Surfactant, is a non- toxic, biodegradable formulation of multi- branched surfactants and wetting agents and a humic acid solubilising component.


Active Ingredients

85.0% Octahydroxy polyoxyalkylene polymers. 7.5% Amine salt of alkly substituted

maleic acid.

OARS HS, Soil Hydrating Surfactant, is available in 55, 30 and 2.5 gallon recyclable containers.*


*Check with your distributor for availability. 

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